If you want to ensure better dental health of you and your
family, you undoubtedly have to pay attention to the oral hygiene routine of
you and your family. But good oral hygiene is not enough to ensure healthy
teeth and mouth. There are certain other factors to be taken into
consideration. The most important one is your diet.
It would be worth mentioning here that there are a lot of
foods and drinks which can be dangerous for your teeth, gums and other areas of
your oral cavity. More specifically, sugary drinks have been quite damaging for
the teeth. Fruit juices and soft drinks are usually quite high in sugar.
Consuming too much of these drinks can lead to certain dental health issues
including cavities, gum disease and bad breath.
Impact sugary drinks on teeth
While you may be told that regular consumption of sugary
drinks can lead to serious dental health problems, consumption of these drinks
occasionally is also not less dangerous. When you consume sugary drinks, some
of the sugar in the drinks tends to leave behind in the mouth. this sugar
usually clings to the teeth or it gets absorbed by the texture of the tongue.
This sugar is then consumed by the bacteria. Bacteria, after consuming this
sugar, produce an acid which can be quite dangerous for the teeth. This acid
can cause tooth decay and cavities.
Even if the cavities are not being produced, the acid
production leads to the thinning of tooth enamel. This thinning can cause
hypersensitivity in the teeth.
Avoiding the damage
If you want to avoid the damage caused by sugary drinks, you
have to make sure that you are avoiding these drinks whenever possible. Instead,
you can go for the healthy options such as water and milk. And if you want to
have the sweetness, you can consider having natural fruit juices instead of
sugary drinks. The best way is to buy the fruits and prepare their juices at
your home. You can add seltzer water in the juice to reduce the amount of sugar
per serving in the juice.
If you have to go for the sugary drinks occasionally, you need
to make sure that you rinse your mouth with water immediately after the
consumption of those juices in order to wash away the sugar remnants.
Furthermore, you can keep a mouthwash and toothpaste with you. Make sure that
these items have fluoride in them because fluoride is known for having
constructive ability in favor of the tooth enamel.